All the while, Drifter’s coughing worsens. Between sorties, the Drifter must avoid traps and unearth the long-lost secrets and ancient technology of an extinct ( PC?) master race in hopes of disabling the doomsday device looming above the mystical, unnamed continent. Mysteries mount as the Drifter progresses through the game world -six distinct regions of a mystical continent populated by a few surviving anthropomorphic animals – mowing down samurai raccoons, deadly automatons, flesh-eating frogs, and cabalistic birds. (Even the in-game menus are written in the cryptic, original text invented by the developers.) While much of the abounding death and destruction are rooted in clearly recent circumstances, much of the carnage echoes a historyless, bygone era.
Character hyper light drifter how to#
With only a few English language instructions telling the player how to move and fight with the Drifter, all of the game’s story points are told through snapshots of the world that leave the player wondering at who the inhabitants of the land once were and what happened to them. It is a true exercise in nuanced, contextual storytelling in which the setting itself, rather than direct dialogue or monologue, conveys the resounding cataclysm the Drifter fights to avert. Review TEN THOUSAND EYES American impressionist Ben Stahl once said, “Good art uses story as a means, not an end.” Hyper Light Drifter ( HLD) is a rare gem in its application of this principle. If Hyper Light Drifter was a realistically-stylized game featuring a cast of human characters and real-life settings, it would absolutely be rated M by the ESRB for its gruesome violence and gritty images of recent and ancient death. I particularly winced at the first boss, a frog-like creature who introduces himself by biting in half one of the anthropomorphic rodents you’ve been trying to help before swallowing the rest of it and wiping his mouth of the blood. Younger players may find some of the images disturbing. Regions look like war zones, where the recently-living inhabitants are skinned alive, or their heads are skewered on pikes like something out of fifteenth-century Transylvania or anything by Eli Roth. Hyper Light Drifter’s world is littered with bones-thousands of them. Not merely the violence (enemies often collapse in streams of pinkish blood) but the imagery itself is unsettling. Content Guide The world of Hyper Light Drifter is dark and menacing and frightful despite its pixelated and stylized graphics.

So begins his race against time and cataclysm. Failure will plunge his world into chaos. The Drifter coughs ominously as blood spittles from his mouth, portending a short time until he succumbs to a secret illness. With no narration to guide you but the haunting soundtrack by Disasterpeace, you soon awaken to rainfall as the Drifter-a silent protagonist armed with sword and gun who is tasked to traverse his broken world in a last-ditch effort to save it. Gnarled shadows with single, glowing eyes stalk you as a mysterious dog spirit sits before a great gate. Apocalyptic visions of giant, skeleton-like monstrosities flash before your eyes. Price: $ 19.99 An eerie howl creeps from your monitor’s speakers as cinders billow upward into a black void.